Eleven months ago, when we decided to build a new TEN7 website, I had no idea how this journey would evolve. Yes, building new websites is our core service, so that gave me a pretty good sense for the path forward. Still, this was going to be different. I was going to be the “client” and I was determined to learn as many lessons as I could along the way.

As we get closer and closer to the finish line and the launch of our new site, it’s nice to look back a little at where we started and some of the revelations that have happened along the way. As I’ve said before, the destination is exciting, but the journey is where we really start to grow.

Here are a few of the key things I’m working to remember going forward:

Start with the Foundation

The biggest revelation from this website journey has been the way it helped me think through and define the TEN7 Mission and Values. It may have felt like we were slow getting out of the starting gate as I sat and pondered each word of our mission statement. It turned out to be time well spent. Once we settled on “Make Things That Matter,” it set the wheels in motion toward a now well-defined vision.

Remember This is a Long-Term Investment

Given the number of websites TEN7 has built over the years, this should have been obvious to me. Still, as I started this process as the client, I had to remind myself that a new website is an investment into the future of the business. It’s not just a project to be “checked off” of a list. Re-framing the work in this way helped me move through each step with more intention and with an eye for the future.

Assemble a Team You Can Trust

One of the greatest benefits of this journey has been the chance to work with partners who have brought unique insight, perspective, and skill to our new website. I already knew I had a great team internally to do this work, but I also realized there were some skill sets that I needed to bring in from the outside.

That’s where the creative team at Studio Malagón stepped in. Their founder and creative director, Ernesto Morales, led a design approach that was inclusive and responsive, and ended up taking our new site in exciting directions.

Knowing we had the right people on this project and we were all aiming toward a common goal made the journey much more enjoyable.

Trust the Process

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this to myself as our website work has progressed. There were times when it seemed like we stalled or were getting off track. That’s when I had to fall back on the knowledge of the team and the skills of our Director of Operations, and for the site its project manager, Dani Adelman.

We know what we’re doing. We’ve done this with so many clients. I just needed to trust the system and let it all come together.

Embrace the Ripple Effect

As I mentioned in our last Website Journey update, the work on our new website had unintended consequences for the TEN7 Podcast. As the new mission and values took root, we realized the podcast should probably change as well. We had two options:

  1. Stay focused on the website and deal with the podcast at a later date.
  2. Lean into the new TEN7 mission, allowing it to redefine our podcast as well so we can re-launch the site and the podcast together.

We chose the latter option, putting the podcast on hiatus for a few months so we can re-launch with a new name and a different focus. Once again, Studio Malagón proved to be an excellent partner and we can’t wait to share the new podcast with the world very soon.

Rather than simply pushing to the finish line, our team at TEN7 is working to internalize the lessons we are gathering from this process. We’re already implementing new steps in our processes, to be sure we are listening to clients more deeply, communicating clearly, and helping make sure their website journey is rewarding.

I won’t be sad when this journey is over. In fact, I can’t wait to launch the new site! Still, I’m grateful for the perspective and the lessons which will continue to guide us going forward.